Conference of the new student group in Graz 2010
Ecclesiology in the work of Joseph Ratzinger
The annual meeting took place from 16.-18. April 2010 in Schloss Seggau, Diocese of Graz-Seckau, Styria.
After Fulda last year, the equally impressive Seggau Castle, beautifully situated in Styria, was the meeting place of the "New Student Circle" Joseph Ratzinger/ Pope Benedict XVI from April 16th to 18th, 2010. As guests of the host and Graz diocesan bishop Dr. Egon Kapellari, the new student group dealt with ecclesiology in the work of Joseph Ratzinger this year. Under the knowledgeable development of
Fr Dr Maximilian Heim OCist (Stiepel/Heiligenkreuz) and Univ.-Prof. dr Bernhard Körner, who brought the Pope's ecclesiological thinking and profile to life with excellent presentations, Saturday turned out to be an intensive working day. The lectures were followed by lively discussions and scientific exchange. Univ.-Prof. em dr Siegfried Wiedenhofer and Dr. Josef Zöhrer, who took part in the conference as a representative of the student group, contributed in many ways to the success of the event. The opportunity to present and discuss one's own research results at the annual meetings of the "New Student Group" makes the conferences an important forum for young scientists. During this year they worked profitably on two of their own works in the field of pastoral theology and canon law.
In addition to the scientific work, the group gathered for the daily prayer of the hours and for the celebration of the Eucharist, the real fulfillment of the gospel. It was a great pleasure that Mag. Heinrich Schnuderl, Auxiliary Bishop Dr. Franz Lackner and last but not least diocesan bishop Kapellari to celebrate the liturgy.
The new group of students has grown by two members in the last year. Unfortunately, their arrival was prevented by the eruption of the Icelandic volcano, which had paralyzed almost all of Europe's air traffic. Those who managed to come to Styria – generally under adverse circumstances – were greatly rewarded. At this point, the "New Student Circle" would like to expressly thank Bishop Dr. Egon Kapellari and Peter Rosegger.
Report and photos: Manuel Wluka