Promotion of theological science and research in spirit
Joseph Ratzinger's theology, the hallmarks of which are:
fundamental meaning of the Holy Scriptures in their unity of old and new testament
the connection of historical-critical exegesis with theological interpretation of the script
the importance of the Church Fathers for theology
the indispensable rooting of theology and theologians in the life of the Church
the importance of liturgy for theology
the ecological orientation both with regard to orthodoxy and the reformatory communities
Organization of public events such as congresses, lectures, symposia and study days both in German-speaking countries and on an international level
Documentation and publication of the results of such events
regular meetings of the members for scientific exchange, presentation and discussion of research projects and research results of the members
Cooperation with other scientific institutions that pursue similar goals
Obligation of the members to work through their own academically qualified research work, publications, lectures, courses etc. in the sense of the association's purposes

In the work of Joseph Ratzinger / Pope Benedict XVI. find each other
answers to the questions of the time.
The continuation of his theological approach, the study of his writings and their publication are answers and help
for in the right relationship between faith and reason
to deal responsibly with the challenges of life.