Symposium in Freiburg 2012,
Department of Pastoral Theology, Department of Dogmatics and Liturgical Studies, Faculty of Theology, Albert-Ludwigs-University Freiburg In cooperation with and sponsored by the Joseph Ratzinger Pope Benedict XVI Foundation
A listening heart - introduction to theology and spirituality
by Joseph Ratzinger/Pope Benedict XVI.
International symposium on January 28, 2012 in Freiburg im Breisgau
"Give your servant a hearing heart," was the request of young Salomon that Benedict XVI. in his widely acclaimed speech in the German Bundestag. Since then, the Pope's visit to his home country has triggered numerous discussions, most of which revolve around current topics: the possible abolition of the church tax, the future of ecumenism, internal church issues and much more. But what are the basic lines of his theological thinking, where does his spirituality, which runs through all the speeches and sermons, come from? For such a theological-existential examination of the work and thinking of Joseph Ratzinger Pope Benedict XVI. the symposium offered an introduction.
09.00 Greetings Dean Prof. Dr. Klaus Baumann Theological Faculty Freiburg Auxiliary Bishop Prof. Dr. Paul Wehrle Archdiocese of Freiburg
09.15 Main speech followed by discussion Kurt Cardinal Koch, President of the Pontifical Council for Christian Unity (Rome)
The revelation of God's love and the life of love in the denomination of the church
11.00 Pause
11.20 Lecture with discussion Prof. Dr. Helmut Hoping (Fribourg)
The Son's Secret. On the Christology of Joseph Ratzinger
12.10 Presentation with discussion Prof. em. dr Hans Juergen Verweyen (Fribourg)
Liturgy in the early writings of Joseph Ratzinger
13.00 Lunch at the Haus zur Lieben Hand
15.00 Presentation with discussion P. Prof. em. dr Stephan Horn SDS (Passau)
On the spirituality of Joseph Ratzinger
16.00 Pause
16.30 Round table with short impulses and subsequent discussion
Prof. Dr. Christoph Ohly (Trier) "How do you recognize what is right?" - Perspectives on a political moment of glory
PD dr Michaela C. Hastetter (Freiburg) Intervention in times of God's darkness - On the program of the new evangelization
dr Ioan Moga, rum. ortho. (Vienna) New wine from old bottles? The relevance of the theology of the fathers
Abbot Dr. Maximilian Heim OCist (Heiligenkreuz near Vienna) Then the heart expands. Benedictine Notes on Benedict XVI
Moderator: Prof. Dr. Achim Buckenmaier (Rome)
6.30 pm Pontifical Mass in Freiburg Cathedral Main celebrant and sermon Kurt Cardinal Koch
Michaela Christine Hastetter, Helmut Hoping (eds.)
A listening heart
Introduction to the theology and spirituality of Joseph Ratzinger / Pope Benedict XVI.
Volume 5 (RaSt 5) is available under ISBN 978-3-791-72471-3.
The fifth volume of the Ratzinger studies was published in September 2012. It is the proceedings of the Freiburg symposium “A hearing heart. Introduction to the theology and spirituality of Joseph Ratzinger/Pope Benedict XVI.” of January 28, 2012. The topic was based on Pope Benedict XVI's speech in the Bundestag. during his visit to Germany in September 2011 on the central quote: "Give your servant a hearing heart!" (King Solomon). The symposium saw itself, among other things, as a review of the Pope's visit to his home country. This event was primarily intended to provide a theological-existential examination of the work and thinking of Joseph Ratzinger/Benedict XVI. take place in order to enable access to his theology and spirituality. Kurt Kardinal Koch gave the main lecture on "The revelation of God's love and the life of love in the faith community of the church" and, together with Ratzinger himself, provided a guide for the contributions to the event: "It's simple True – and the true is simple.” Other authors are Hoping, Verweyen, Horn, Ohly, Hastetter, Moga and Heim.
Photos: Joseph Ratzinger/Pope Benedict XVI Foundation