1st meeting of the new student group in Fulda 2009
Liturgy and Truth in Joseph Ratzinger
24-26 April 2009.
The New Student Circle met with Father Stephan Horn for a first meeting after the meeting in Castelgandolfo in 2008.
Greeting from the Bishop of Fulda
• Friday 24 April
Selection interview with applicants for the new student group.
Holy Mass in St. Michael's Church and reception to start.
Welcome and introduction by the Fulda organizers Christian Nowak and Manuel Wluka, the Prorector of Theol. Faculty Fulda
Prof. Dr. dr Bernd Willmes, Prof. Dr. P. Stephan Otto Horn and the speakers of the student group Dr. Michaela Christine Hastetter
and PD Dr. Christopher Ohly.
• Saturday 25 April
Holy Mass with H. Ex. Auxiliary Bishop Prof. Dr. Karlheinz Diez at the Bonifatius grave in the High Cathedral.
Lecture "On the foundation and renewal of the liturgy according to the theology of Joseph Ratzinger - Pope Benedict XVI."
by Father Dr. Michael Schneider SJ, Prof. for dogmatics and liturgical science, Frankfurt/St. Georgen with subsequent discussion.
Papers on the concept of truth in Joseph Ratzinger
by Fr. Ralph Weimann and Peter Rosegger.
Photos: Manuel Wluka